Born to be Broken Alpha Claim Book 2 eBook Addison Cain

Born to be Broken Alpha Claim Book 2 eBook Addison Cain
Mild Spoilers - This book was much better than the first book on multiple levels. First, she really developed the characters. After having read book one, I struggled with understanding Shepherd's motivations. Over the course of this book, we got to see how his character was forged and why he acted the way he acted. There was some good in him somewhere, even if it was hard to see at times. His blind devotion to Svana was confusing to me - he was portrayed as a great leader of men, yet he couldn't see past her façade, despite damning evidence before him. Claire grew as well, finding inspiration in The Art of War to help guide how she interacted with Shepherd. However, I found her belief system a little screwed up. She had no problem despairing the loss of life all around her, but when it came to thoughts of killing herself, and her unborn child, it was like "collateral damage happens". And despite the fact that it was demonstrated time and again that were was no humanity left in Tholos at all - eg frozen dead kid, she herself was once again ostracized by her fellow omegas, etc. - she seemed to think society would revert to normal if only Shepherd would stop his evil plan. That belief system was keeping her from forming an attachment to Shepherd so it got annoying that she continued to cling to it long after she should have reevaluated.The world building was strong and it was elaborated on to a greater extent than in the first book. The underlying plot advanced well, but at times it got a little confusing - what Svana was trying to do with the resistance was unclear to me (maybe it was supposed to unclear and will be addressed in the third book). Last, the dialogue was kind of strange. When Claire spoke to Maryanne, it was in modern day speech patterns, but when she spoke to Shepherd, it was in highly formal, Oscar Wilde style speech - the contrast was very jarring. I look forward to reading the conclusion of this series.

Tags : Born to be Broken (Alpha's Claim Book 2) eBook: Addison Cain: Kindle Store,ebook,Addison Cain,Born to be Broken (Alpha's Claim Book 2),Blushing Books Publications,Fiction Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology,Fiction Thrillers Crime
Born to be Broken Alpha Claim Book 2 eBook Addison Cain Reviews
5+ Omegaverse Stars
Holy Hell I love Addison Cain and this Omegaverse world that she has created. Much like the first book in this series I was riveted. Life pretty much ceased to exist once I started reading. When I first started this series someone told me that it wasn't finished. I knew that I had to wait until they were all out before I proceeded any further. Finally, I was told that Claire and Sheppard were going to have a conclusion so I started the series again. Boy, oh Boy, how I managed to go months without reading this disfunctional, crazy, but hot as Satan's mistress couple I do not know.
Claire. Sweet holy hell. This girl is a fighter. I love her. Rather than just accept that she is a weaker person because she is an Omega she uses that to her advantage. There is no glass ceiling for her. She is playing the game and playing it well.
Sheppard. Despite the despicable things he has done he still has a softer side. That softer side is Sheppard. We learn more about his history in this book and what makes him the way that he is. He has demons and because of those things he yearns for that connection or human touch so to speak. He wants acceptance and adoration. He wants to be loved.
Together these two are HOT. Like 3rd degree blister hot. I want to see them happy. I want to believe that this relationship is real and not just some forced pair bond.
Off to read the third book. Looks like my life will be at a standstill again. Who needs a clean house or sleep anyway?!
I don't even know where to start. This series is very much out of my normal purview of books. It's so completely off but not in a bad way.
I found Ms. Cain on an odd chance for her to be a sponsored page on my Facebook feed. The few sentences sounded intriguing enough and very smexy. So I thought the first book is free on KU so I'll give it a try. And man, have I not been disappointed.
I have a pretty open mind in my reading. Contemporary, rom-com, paranormal, historical romance, science fiction (aliens can be sexy too sometimes), I even read a mermen book. So you can see I have a rather eclectic tastes. But this book, odd though it may be, was completely entertaining. The plot was amazing. I did very much enjoy it. This does go for book one and two.
Shepard and Claire ... I don't even know what to say. They are both brilliant characters. I have never and I mean never read a heroine as strong and vulnerable as Claire is. She is a heroine to be modeled after again and again. And the amount that Shepard has grown is phenomenal. Although of course there's a point where you want to punch him in the knot. You'll know when you get there.
This is all so praising I'm sure there's a question as to why 4 stars instead of 5. Here's the thing. This book will make you uncomfortable. It will make you shift a little wherever you're reading it. It's not for those who don't care for dark themes. Keep in mind, this is a post apocalyptic world where people have pretty much just lost their minds. And if what ive read is any indication, things may not get any better. That's not part of this review but I do find myself wanting to ask Ms. Cain if she would like a hug and a cookie.
Wish me luck in the third book.
A!so I'm really helping our beta Corday makes it through mostly unscathed. We'll see.
Mild Spoilers - This book was much better than the first book on multiple levels. First, she really developed the characters. After having read book one, I struggled with understanding Shepherd's motivations. Over the course of this book, we got to see how his character was forged and why he acted the way he acted. There was some good in him somewhere, even if it was hard to see at times. His blind devotion to Svana was confusing to me - he was portrayed as a great leader of men, yet he couldn't see past her façade, despite damning evidence before him. Claire grew as well, finding inspiration in The Art of War to help guide how she interacted with Shepherd. However, I found her belief system a little screwed up. She had no problem despairing the loss of life all around her, but when it came to thoughts of killing herself, and her unborn child, it was like "collateral damage happens". And despite the fact that it was demonstrated time and again that were was no humanity left in Tholos at all - eg frozen dead kid, she herself was once again ostracized by her fellow omegas, etc. - she seemed to think society would revert to normal if only Shepherd would stop his evil plan. That belief system was keeping her from forming an attachment to Shepherd so it got annoying that she continued to cling to it long after she should have reevaluated.
The world building was strong and it was elaborated on to a greater extent than in the first book. The underlying plot advanced well, but at times it got a little confusing - what Svana was trying to do with the resistance was unclear to me (maybe it was supposed to unclear and will be addressed in the third book). Last, the dialogue was kind of strange. When Claire spoke to Maryanne, it was in modern day speech patterns, but when she spoke to Shepherd, it was in highly formal, Oscar Wilde style speech - the contrast was very jarring. I look forward to reading the conclusion of this series.

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